Tech Sentries taps into the list of safe programs that are considered good to run on your computer. It may occasionally try to block programs you actually want, which is the nature of our security product like none other. Tech Sentries virus detector is unmatched with a proven track record of successfully detecting many viruses before they ever become a problem!
- TECH SENTRIES is on the job all day, every day, even when you are not. Always monitoring activity in real time, looking for any signs of an attack on your PCs.
- TECH SENTRIES automatically keep your PC’s up-to-date to provide an ongoing defense against known malware before it can execute It also watches for out-of-the-ordinary activity that might indicate a potential intrusion.
- TECH SENTRIES is on duty and active 24/7 to monitor and protect your personal and business computers.
- TECH SENTRIES has a goal. It is to identify and protect your system from both inside and outside threats, attacks, and breaches so that you don’t have to.
- TECH SENTRIES blocks any undesirable activity. TECH SENTRIES blocks viruses, malware, and even annoying, unwanted pop-up ads.
- TECH SENTRIES runs autonomously, allowing only known good programs to operate on your computer. When information is incoming, TECH SENTRIES , in effect, checks its identity. If it not on the whitelist, the application is not allowed to execute.
- TECH SENTRIES functions in real time, identifying potential problems before they ever do harm to your business or home computers.
- TECH SENTRIES updates drivers and vulnerable software so you never have to worry and your devices are always operating at maximum speed and efficiency.
- TECH SENTRIES delivers detailed descriptions of all relevant activity, like any security professional should. You are never in the dark, never wondering if your business or personal computers are safe.
- TECH SENTRIES helps YOU Guard Your Technology. You can work worry-free all day and rest peacefully at night.
Tech Sentries Inc
2105 Leopold Street
Johns Island, SC 29455
843-282-2222 Office/Fax
843-902-6885 Cell