Which Generation Is More Likely To Fall Victim To Online Scammers?
Did you know that elderly people aren’t necessarily the most likely to be scammed online? Well, the Better Business Bureau issued a report stating that its Millennials and Generation X’ers who are the most likely to be a victim of scammers. The reason? The elderly population are far more likely to a...
Jackware—What Is It?
Have you ever heard of jackware? In this day and age, we hear a lot about ransomware, spyware, adware and all kinds of other “wares,” but probably not jackware. However, it’s still malicious software that gets in and controls many devices whose main function is NOT digital communication. Your car is...
Signs You’ve Been Infected by Malware
Chances are, you have found yourself in this predicament before: You turn your computer on, wait for what seems like an eternity for it to boot up. When it finally does, your programs are slow to start, your internet is sluggish and your cursor is delayed several seconds behind the mouse. If this...
To Activate or To Cancel: The Flash Play Malware Conundrum
Before you suffer Hamlet-esque paralysis by analysis, we want to warn you about a Trojan that is currently targeting Android users around the world. This especially insidious malware doesn’t care how long you look before you leap because you are darned if you activate or darned if you cancel. &nb...
Just Give Me Your Personal Information and Everything Will Be Fine
A woman visiting a Myrtle Beach resort recently report a scam in which her credit card was charged close to $2,000 – in California! The scam is neither new nor localized. In 2015 a Memphis hotel guest fell for the same scam and soon discovered $1,000 in unauthorized charges on his card. Inform...
How to Avoid Spam Like a Kid at Supper Time
It’s true! Everybody hates SPAM, but “Nobody doesn’t like Sara Lee.” Why is that? It’s because Sara Lee is always sweet. Spam is about as appealing as a pig’s shoulder, which is, as it turns out, one of the commercial product’s main ingredients. How Spam E-Mail Got Its Name It all st...
Meet Hicurdismos. On Second Thought, Don’t
“It is truly marvelous, that in this art, and in this only, the various methods of falsification should be made a study: for the sample of the false denarius is now an object of careful examination, and people absolutely buy the counterfeit coin at the price of many genuine ones!” So said Pliny the...
Just When You Thought It Was Safe…
Just when you thought it was safe in the water … Well, you know the rest of the story. Just because something looks safe, that does not mean that mean that it is. In fact, it now appears that just because something says that it is safe, no longer means that it actually is. Unfortunately, that...
The Latest Ransomware from Hell: Satana
It sure seems that ransomware is rampant! As soon as we get control of one virus, the cyber criminals are at it again, creating an even more vicious strain of ransomware, spyware, malware and any other “ware” that will bring harm to your computer. The fight must go on and we will work hard to keep y...
ALERT: Over 130,000 E-Mails Sent By New Ransomware Virus Zepto
Ransomware known as Locky hasn't been very active in the last several weeks but now has resurfaced in a big way, and it's extremely concerning. While Locky isn't new, it appeared to have gone dormant awhile back. However, the creators of this vicious ransomware are just as evil now as they were then...